Wednesday, October 26, 2005


This Sunday we are going to go through a Labyrinth

No, not David Bowie's Labyrinth, but I would like to see that movie again. I haven't seen it since I was in the third grade, and I remember hearing that it had a Mesianic message or something. Recently a student challenged that statement, so I think that I need to watch it. Hopefully it's out on DVD.
This Sunday we are going to participate in a different type of Labyrinth. We are going to participate in the virtual labyrinth online together. I thought about actually creating a labyrinth on the floor like this one,
but instead will bring objects to the table to contemplate with at different points of the labyrinth.
If you unfamiliar with the Christian history of labyrinths, google Christian Labyrinths and see what you can discover.

A Holy Walk

To walk the labyrinth is to touch God
and let God touch us.
It is a matter of presence
and response. The labyrinth
does nothing to make God more
present... for God
is always present.
The labyrinth can make us
aware of the presence of God
in our lives.
So be silent.
Receive God's gifts.
Go in peace on your journey.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Ojai Film Festival

This Sunday, we will again not be meeting at the youth sanctuary, but will instead be gathering together at the Ojai Playhouse. If you were unaware, this weekend is Ojai's Film Festival, and on Sunday from 10:00am to 12:00pm the Ojai Playhouse will be showing films made by So. Cal teens. Hosting the event will be a successful young filmaker, Taron Lexton who will be sharing his music video, United, which, "ranks as one of the largest human rights film productions in histroy. Filmed throughout 14 countries and involving over 2000 volunteers, this video was created as a project for Youth for Human Rights." Sounds like a worthwile thing to experience together, so here we go. Try to arrive a little before 10:00am so that we can sit together, and then after the event, those who are available can go to Libby to discuss.

You must provide your own ride both to the playhouse, and home, we will not be meeting at the church. If you need a ride, be sure to e-mail me so that I can set you up with one.

Monday, October 17, 2005

River Haven Service by the Beach

What a site! Community's banner hanging over/under the No Tresspassing sign leading to River Haven's new site. It was great visiting with our friends of River Haven, and being able to bless them not only with a solar trickle generator, a brand new EZ-up, new tarps and jackets, and breakfast, but also with a church service brought to them.
They seemed to enjoy being able to Worship God with us, talk with us during table talk about what the world thinks "a good Christian" looks like, and hear how Christ's great commission appplies to us in our given situations. It was awesome to reconnect with Debbie, Mark, and Jessie, and to meet new friends like Chris and Tanya. It sounds like they would like for this to be a quarterly thing, so hopefully we will make it out there before waiting another six months. Maybe a Christmas service?

Doing donughts in Freddy's car with Mark and Jessie riding along was pretty awesome too!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

River Haven Part II

Tomorrow we will be having our worship service with the River Haven community again. Their semi-permanent location is now across the street from McGrath state beach, right next to the Olivas Park golf course.
Exit Seaward and go towards Ventura Harbor, on Harbor Blvd. (Go 45mph, there are usually speed traps).

On Harbor you will go about a mile before passing Olivas Park Dr. (there will be a street light). Then just after going over a bridge, you will see a small driveway for McGrath state beach. Use this driveway as an opportunity to make a U-turn, so that you are heading back towards Olivas Park dr. Just before Olivas Park Dr. you will see a chain link fence on your right, and a small opening in the fence that you can drive through. There should be a small sign on it that says "River Haven" and I think that I will try to hang our "Community" sign there too.

Ojai Day

On Saturday Community operated its first Ojai Day booth. It was great to see people from OVCC and from the community, and to display art from participants of our worship services. It also was a great place to showcase and distributes copies of our film, "God Questions." Huge thanks to all who helped fill the booth with works of art, and to those who helped man the booth, answer people's questions, and represent Community.