Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Finished Piece

6 Hours & 10 cans of paint


frisky said...

Okay, if I stare at it cross-eyed long enough, will I be able to see where it says "OVCC"?

hestermom said...

That's what I came to say too... I can't find the OVCC. Help!

ATSmith said...

you can't see it? it's so clear to me ......j/k. i really like the colors though : )

frisky said...

Alrighty, I saw it in person tonight and I found it. It just wasn't where I was expecting it, that's all. I think the camera angel didn't help... sorry Ryan ;) I know you're a sponsored photographer and all. hahaha!

Ryan said...

Just for clarification the "OVCC" that you see in the top left corner doesn't count. That's a "tag," it basically tells you what the "piece" says.

See all the cool stuff you learn at church. :-)

frisky said...

Aaahhhhh crap, I do suck at this!

mandrews said...

Is this one of those Emperor's New Clothes things... where it's not really there and we are all dumb for looking so hard?

mandrews said...

PS: I really like it! It looks even better in person too!