"A while back, during the rain storms, I
blogged about my fascination with online doplar radars. Well now that the rain has sadly moved on, and has been replaced with triple digit temperatures, I have new fascination: so say good bye to the "armchair meteorologist" and hello to the "armchair meter maid." Through the internet

I learned
how to read meters, (it's really simple), and now I constantly run out back, notepad and pen in hand, to decipher how many kilowatts we are using. I'll adjust the a/c temperature, make a note on my pad, and check it after an hour to see if usage increased. Then I'll unplug gadgets, make a notation, and check again.
Amber says that being a pool boy is much more sexy than a meter maid. I guess I'm off to check the jacuzzi chemical levels, 'cause jumping into a 96 degree hot tub to cool off might just work today.
BTW: I have learned that at rest my house uses 1 kw an hour, and that with the A/C blasting it uses 5 kw an hour. If a kilowatt is 10 cents an hour, then my A/C only costs 50 cents an hour. That feels like money well spent...hmmm, now about that global warming...
I am so going to have to check this out and see if that's true. I am the "air conditioner nazi" meaning, I don't want to use it, but the rest of our household would prefer not to be quite so miserable. Today we just set the temp. on the A/C to 82, so it came on less frequently. But if I could figure out the actual cost per hour of usage, then I could budget how much A/C time would be acceptable. =)
So, you wanna come over and check ours out? It could be like a project! Even if it was $10 an hour though, it would be worth it... I'm a much nicer mommy when I'm not sweating to death in our own house!
Air conditioner????????
Sorry, I can't relate!
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