In community, (and outside our walls), some of us have been asking how much we can really talk about being pro-life, if we ourselves are unwilling to provide homes for the unwanted unborn.
I remember several months ago, Brian B. said that he thought that perhaps one shouldn't even speak out against abortions, unless they had adopted, (or were willing to). He was met with some pretty fierce reactions. I think that the topic came up because I asked what injustice most concerned those gathered with us, and abortion came up.
Today I saw a question quoted from the StillHaventFound blog site:
"America has nearly 115,000 orphaned kids in foster care waiting to be adopted. Some wonder how this is possible in a country with Christian families. Surely, there are 115,000 missional families in America, right? Missional families, for example, embrace the redemptive mission of God and practice “true religion” in their local communities (James 1:27). Missional Christians in America could eliminate the foster care system tomorrow if we would stop “shootin’ up” with the American Dream (heroine) in order to get high on a lame life lived for the sake of comfort and ease."
Many critics of conservative ministries like Dobson's, Focus on the Family, criticize them primarily because the causes that they rally against have no impact on supporters lives. It costs me nothing to lobby against gay marriage, or for protection of fetuses.
What does it day about the way that we view "this world" and its comforts if we are unwilling to become uncomfortable.
So what are your thoughts? Are you rushing out to adopt the unwanted? Do we have an obligation as Jesus followers? Should our unwillingness to pull our families into adopting another impact our stance on abortion?
I personally have a lot of thinking to do, as I won't even adopt a dog unless it is a pure breed under 4 months old.